Friday, 9 May 2014

Rockstar Games
Background: formed in 1998, head-quarters in New York, America
Owner/founder: Sam Houser
Most successful games: Grand theft auto
Interesting fact about the institution: there games are American based but the founders are British

EA (Electronic Arts)
Background: formed in 1982, head-quarters in California
Owner/founder:Trip Hawkins
Most successful games: Fifa 14
Interesting fact about the institution: the gaming industry could be bigger than the movie industry

Background: founded in 2007, head-quarters in California
Owner/founder: Don Mattrick
Most successful games: zynga poker, cityvile
Interesting fact about the institution: a dog is there logo

Background: founded in 1889, headquarters in Japan
Owner/founder: Saturo Iwata
Most successful games: Mario kart
Interesting fact about the institution: it was formed a long time ago

Sony Computer Entertainment
Background: founded in 1993, head-quarters in Japan
Owner/founder: Andrew House
Most successful games: NBA 2K14
Interesting fact about the institution: they own playstation

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